Saturday, April 12, 2025

For over 160 years, the Washington County Fair has been an important part of the southern Utah community — ever since the early settlers of Washington City opened their homes to display agricultural products. Even though the locations, entertainment, and displays have changed throughout the years, one thing remains the same: the fair is one event that brings the community together.
As southern Utah and Washington County grow, so does our county fair. Now expanding from four days to eight, the 2025 Washington County Fair is excited to offer even more attractions, entertainment, and fun. Not to diminish our traditional ticketed events of the demolition derby, our two-nights of rodeo or boxing (which is going 101 years strong!) or the ever-popular petting zoo or military wall of honor, but the increase in days, also calls for an increase in events! That includes adding: team roping, sorting, breakaway, and three nights of concert instead of one!
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